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Do you agree or disagree with the following quotation? ¡°A person should never make an important decision alone.¡± Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

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<1>Choices and decisions in life shouldn't be made carelessly. <2>Extremely important decisions can change <3>one's life<4>. Frivolous decisions, such as what to eat for lunch <5>isn't what I'm talking about. <6>Decisions such as marriage and job is stressful <7>and huge. <8>It doesn't matter how old; kindergarteners to grandparents should not make an important decisions alone.

<9>There is more knowledge and more experiences if two or more people make a decision. <10> <11>This is especially true for young adults. Consequently, it is less likely that they will make the wrong choice. For example, <12>I depend on my parents <13>when I buy expensive objects, such as clothing and accessories, with my own money. They have more know on how to spend money wisely. <14>My parents know what is worth and necessary. <15> <16>Furthermore, just in the slight chance that a wrong choice is made, he can depend on the other person for help. Since that person assisted and influenced his decision, he/she is partially responsible for the failure.

<17>Everyone has personal interests <18>and paths in life that they would like to take. However, these might not always be the best choices to make in life in order to succeed. <19>If someone makes an important decision alone, they can be foolhardy. It would be too influenced and biased. <20>For instance, a girl might love singing and playing the guitar. Although she doesn't have a huge possibility of becoming a huge star, she might choose to take that path without any advice from her friends or family.

In conclusion, people should never make an important decision alone. <21>Making the wrong decision should be avoided as much as possible and they should be made objectively. It would be too late to regret a decision made alone. It is better to depend on someone, especially <22>one that has had a lot of experienced, and get all the advice one can get.

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# Content
2»èÁ¦¡æSome »ðÀÔ
3»èÁ¦¡æa person£§s »ðÀÔ
4»èÁ¦¡æ; others »ðÀÔ
5»èÁ¦¡æare less »ðÀÔ
8»èÁ¦¡æNo matter what the outcome is, choices and decisions in life should only be made after careful consideration and never alone. »ðÀÔ
9»èÁ¦¡æFor young people, »ðÀÔ
10being able to enjoy the experience and knowledge of adults when they make decisions is helpful. »ðÀÔ
14»èÁ¦¡æthey »ðÀÔ
15Whenever, I have to purchase expensive items, I rely on my parent£§s a advice.»ðÀÔ
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17»èÁ¦¡æDefining future plans is made easier when you seek the advice of others. Sometimes a person can overlook or ignore determined paths that exits in favor of their »ðÀÔ
18»èÁ¦¡æ. Sadly, »ðÀÔ
19»èÁ¦¡æThe most common example is that of an aspiring £§artist£§ who is convinced by friends and/or family to seek other work. »ðÀÔ
22»èÁ¦¡æsomeone well »ðÀÔ

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Your essay begins weakly with a confusing and repetitive introduction. Your thesis statement does not manage to stand out as the main idea of your essay. This problem is repeated in the following paragraphs as you also fail to have clear topic sentences. My editing is aimed mostly at removing superfluous words and ideas, to isolate each argument, and then to support each as needed. Without editing, your essay only made me wonder what you were trying to say. Remember that when you write an essay, your purpose is to lead the reader to conclude that your opinion is valid based on the reasons you explained.

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By µ¿¾Æ´åÄÄ  (µî·ÏÀÏ : 2007-11-05 15:19:54)

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